13 Mar

Losing a small amount of weight, such as 5% to 10% of your body's total weight, can bring a number of health benefits. It can improve heart health, sleep, and blood sugar levels. It can also reduce the risk of diabetes and some cancers. The best results come from a combination of diet and exercise, says John McGowan, MD, chief medical officer for the National Weight Control Registry. It's important to talk with your doctor about your goals and what will work for you. 

1. Lower your risk of developing certain cancers Excess weight is linked to an increased risk of many types of cancer, including breast, kidney, liver, and pancreas. While the exact link is not known, obesity can cause inflammation and increase the risk of these diseases. Visit this website at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weight_cutting for more info about weight loss. 

2. Improve your energy level When you're carrying around extra weight at http://www.physiciansplan.com/blog/can-weight-loss-reverse-diabetes, your heart and muscles have to work harder to keep up with your activities. That can make you feel tired and sluggish. By losing just a small percentage of your body's total weight, you can significantly boost your energy level and help improve your ability to stay active. Having more energy will help you feel more motivated to get out and do things like run errands, go for walks, or even take on chores. 

3. Improve your respiratory function Substitutions can reduce the risk of obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs when you stop breathing while you're sleeping. The condition can lead to snoring, fatigue, and other sleep problems, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. 

4. Improve your joints A little weight loss can ease the pressure on your knees and other lower-body joints, which can decrease pain and improve mobility. This may be especially helpful if you have osteoarthritis, which can worsen with weight gain. 

5. Better your mental health When you're overweight, it's easy to develop mood swings and a feeling of depression. Losing a small amount of weight can reduce stress and boost your self-esteem, according to Pulsalkar. 

You'll have more energy and will feel more positive about yourself, which can boost your mood and make you less likely to feel depressed. 

6. Improve your relationships When people lose weight, they often feel more respect for themselves, which can affect their relationship with other people. They're more likely to show compassion and empathy, and they're less likely to be mean or sarcastic to others. 

7. Improve your social life When you lose weight, you may enjoy a wider range of activities and make more new friends. It's not just the physical changes, though: Keeping up with exercise and healthy eating habits can also improve your social life. 

8. Relieve joint pain Having too much fat around the body can put unnecessary pressure on your joints, which can make them feel stiff and hurt. 

It can also contribute to inflammation and arthritis, which can lead to pain and disability. 

9. Prevent or delay cancer The link between weight and cancer is not completely understood, but researchers believe that fat accumulations around vital organs could contribute to the development of certain cancers, such as breast, kidney, liver, and pancreas.

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